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In 30 days you will be ready to interview for a coding position.

So, you’ve decided to pursue a career in coding. Congratulations! Coding is one of the most in-demand and lucrative careers out there today. But before you can start your new career, you need to pass that coding interview. And if you want to do well on your interview, you need to prepare for it.

How can you prepare for a coding interview in just 30 days? It may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and resources, it can be done. Here are some tips:

1) Start by studying the basics. Make sure you have a strong understanding of basic coding concepts such as loops, arrays, and strings. You don’t need to know everything inside and out – but being familiar with these concepts will give you a good foundation for further study.

2) Practice problem solving. One of the key skills employers look for in coders is their ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently. So make sure you practice problem solving regularly. There are plenty of online resources available that can help improve your problem solving skills (see below).

3) Get comfortable with interviewing questions. Chances are, most of the questions interviewer will ask will be about your experience or expertise as a coder. So make sure you brush up on common interview questions and practice answering them aloud so you sound confident when interviewed..

Conclusion: Preparing yourself adequately for a coding interview takes time and effort; however, following the tips provided above should make the process considerably less daunting - not to mention more successful come Interview Day!

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